Every student, every day.



Classes Cancelled for All Students

Posted on March 15 2020

March 15, 2020 Effective immediately, all classes are cancelled for all students across Alberta, including Livingstone Range School Division. At a press conference from Edmonton on Sunday, March 15, Minister…

COVID-19 LRSD Official Webpage

Posted on March 13 2020

Please check our official COVID-19 webpage for the most up-to-date Livingstone Range School Division information. www.lrsd.ca/our-division/covid-19

BiWeekly Update March 13-26

Posted on March 13 2020

What a Friday with winter weather and constant updates on COVID-19! Get home safely, tuck up for the weekend and read about all of it through these 2 attachments https://www.jtfosterhighschool.ca/download/238880…

Where Will Our Budget Be Best Spent?

Posted on March 12 2020

The Spring 2020 Provincial Budget's impact on Livingstone Range School Division means we will need to cut $2.2 million from our operating budget over the next 3 years. Despite changes to our funding,…

Congrats to Mr. Doucet!

Posted on March 11 2020

Livingstone Range School Division is pleased to announce that Roger Doucet, who has been Acting Principal of J.T. Foster High School this school year, has accepted the official position of Principal of…

Just a common sense reminder...

Posted on March 11 2020

JTF Weekly Update

Posted on March 6 2020

Families, Our Weekly Update is in at https://www.jtfosterhighschool.ca/download/237572. One item of information you will find inside is how to book Student Led Conferences for later this month through our…

Congratulations to our own Mr. Gamache, new FACES…

Posted on March 2 2020

See the news on the LRSD site at https://www.lrsd.ca/our-division/news/post/meet-new-faces-principal-joel-gamache

BiWeekly Update Feb 28 - March 12

Posted on February 28 2020

Spring is in the air! Please take the time to catch up on the goings on at J.T. Foster by clicking here. One item of note is that we have been working in consultation with School Council to craft an effective…

cultiv8 Youth Agriculture Leadership Summit

Posted on February 25 2020

Congratulations to our boys Lucas G, Ephraim, Jace S and Jarett for being selected to attend this event!

Pink Shirt Day

Posted on February 24 2020

Pink Shirt Day is February 26, we encourage you to participate to demonstrate understanding of the importance of promoting healthy relationships and actively working toward creating learning and work…

Office Output Feb 14/20

Posted on February 14 2020

Happy Valentine's Day and have a wonderful week of students! https://www.jtfosterhighschool.ca/download/234170 J.T. Foster Team  

Grad Spring Flowers Fundraiser

Posted on February 9 2020

If you are looking for spring plants or Mother's Day gifts please consider supporting a J.T. Foster graduate!

JTF BiWeekly Update

Posted on February 7 2020

Welcome to Semester 2 everyone, our BiWeekly email has gone out and the link is below if you missed it! Report cards were taken to the post office this afternoon and you are all welcome to check out…

It's nice to see our school listed as participating…

Posted on February 3 2020

Office Output Jan 31/20

Posted on January 31 2020

Just in case you missed our email Friday, office update for the week at https://www.jtfosterhighschool.ca/download/232010 as well as a letter https://www.jtfosterhighschool.ca/download/232014 from the…

S1 Sr Exam Week has officially begun!

Posted on January 24 2020

Vaping Info

Posted on January 22 2020

Created by by a JTF student for Ms Wallace.

Social Media Presentations

Posted on January 20 2020

On Tuesday, January 21 ABD is hosting Paul Davis, a social media and networking expert who works towards educating children and parents on the topics of Social Media and Online Safety. It is not very…

Office Output Jan 17/20

Posted on January 17 2020

I hope everyone has some time this weekend to recharge. We have Paul Davis presenting to the community on social media and to the students on Tuesday. On Wednesday, we have costs for an upgraded gym to…