I am Lettie Croskery, YOUR Career Practitioner!
403-915-0781 croskeryl@lrsd.ab.ca
Please feel free to connect with me for help with career planning, searching for employment, applying for post-secondary schooling and financial assistance...essentially anything related to career services!
So far this fall, students have had the opportunity to explore the University of Calgary Medical School, Olds College Campus, the Pincher Creek hospital and the Esthetic Institute in Calgary (CCHS). All schools have had the opportunity to meet with close to 20 different colleges, polytechnics and universities in Alberta as part of the fall Post secondary education fair tour through LRSD. Opportunities abound for our students and it's my job to try to connect them to as many careers as possible to make informed decisions about a future education/employment pathway.
Our evening "Career Chats" have wrapped up for fall, but stay tuned for news about future sessions for spring!