Every student, every day.



Seeking Public Audit Committee Members

Posted on April 27 2020

The Livingstone Range School Division Board of Trustees is seeking two (2) members at large to serve on its Audit Committee.  The purpose of the audit committee is to assist the Board and the Superintendent…

What is FREE Money - and What Does it Cost? Options…

Posted on April 27 2020

By Lettie Croskery, LRSD Career Practitioner What is your favourite “MONEY” themed song of all time? Mine is the Flying Lizards 1979 rendition of “Money” (...that’s what I want!). The simple…

Weekly Update April 24

Posted on April 24 2020

Hope this finds you enjoying these spring like conditions families, Please take special note of the following information in our update at https://www.jtfosterhighschool.ca/download/260618; Assessment…

How Will My Student be Graded?

Posted on April 21 2020

Student assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning process. The decisions made in assessment are critical to informing instructional decisions and enhancing student learning. Due to the…

Office Output April 9

Posted on April 9 2020

We wish you all the very happiest spring break. Do take a look at our Weekly Update here as the student Pet Parade is guaranteed to make you smile, thank you to those who submitted photos! Warmly, The…

Easter Break

Posted on April 6 2020

Easter break begins this week, with no classes for teachers or students from Friday, April 10 until Sunday, April 19. Online and blended programming will resume for everyone on Monday, April 20.  It…

Weekly Update April 3

Posted on April 3 2020

We would like to end the week with a bit of fun, in this link to our weekly update you will find a Pet Parade of staff members. Your student/family is encouraged to join in this fun by replying back to…

Carry On With Education

Posted on April 3 2020

When classes were cancelled on March 15 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we didn't know what education would look like going forward. Now, at the end of the second week of blended learning, it's beginning…

Weekly Update March 27

Posted on March 27 2020

Livingstone Range School Division is pleased to announce that Mr. Joel Gamche has accepted the position of Assistant Principal at J.T. Foster School! Go to https://www.jtfosterhighschool.ca/download/243823…

Resources for Parents During COVID-19 School Closure

Posted on March 25 2020

As parents, students, and families adjust to new conditions and learning environments because of COVID-19, we want everyone to stay well physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Our professionals…

Congrats to Mr. Gamache!

Posted on March 25 2020

Livingstone Range School Division is pleased to announce that Joel Gamache has been appointed the position of Assistant Principal at J.T. Foster High School. Joel holds a Bachelor of Education degree…

School Fees

Posted on March 25 2020

To: All Parents/GuardiansFrom: Jeff Perry, Associate Superintendent, Business Services Since the announcement on March 15, 2020 by the Minister of Education in which onsite classes were suspended for…

Superintendent Update for Parents - March 24, 2020

Posted on March 24 2020

To: All Parents/GuardiansFrom: Darryl Seguin, Superintendent On Friday, Minister of Education Adriana LaGrange announced guidelines for continuing student learning in Alberta. We were pleased that her…

Weekly Update March 20

Posted on March 20 2020

What a week! This is an especially important weekly message to you as you will want to; Read our regular weekly communication Read today's update from AB Education at Continuing Student Learning Wash…

Alberta Education Continuing Student Learning Guidelines

Posted on March 20 2020

Alberta Education has announced its guidelines for continuing student learning that directs how students will learn while in-school classes are cancelled due to the COVID-19 provincial health emergency.…

Education Continuity Plan

Posted on March 20 2020

To: All Parents/GuardiansFrom: Darryl Seguin, Superintendent   The COVID-19 impact on students, families, and society is profound, and constantly changing. Each day I am working with Alberta Education…

Remote Counselling Support

Posted on March 17 2020

During regular school, FSLCs support student wellbeing and mental health with in-person counsellors. Just because classes have ended doesn’t mean students don’t still need that support.  Our team…

JTF Personal Belongings Pick-Up

Posted on March 17 2020

J.T. Foster families have just been emailed this information on when students are able to pick up personal belongings. 

Superintendent Update for Parents - March 17, 2020

Posted on March 17 2020

To: All Parents/GuardiansFrom: Darryl Seguin, Superintendent Unprecedented and uncharted. We’re hearing these words a lot lately. In my 27 years as an educator, I’ve never seen anything like what…

JTF School Update Around COVID-19 Closure

Posted on March 16 2020

We are currently arranging times for students to come by the school to pick up belongings  on Wednesday, March 18. We will send out a schedule as soon as we can. To ensure our numbers in the school stay…