Social Media Presentations

On Tuesday, January 21 ABD is hosting Paul Davis, a social media and networking expert who works towards educating children and parents on the topics of Social Media and Online Safety. It is not very often that we are able to secure such a high calibre speaker on such an important topic.
We would like to invite any parents from A.B. Daley or J.T. Foster or interested community members to attend his presentation at 7 pm on Tuesday, January 21 at A.B. Daley. Bring a friend too! This will be a parent presentation only, no babysitting is provided. Please mark this in your calendars and join us for an informative evening!
Paul will also be presenting to our students in two groups during the day on January 21st. Grade 4-6 and 7-9 students will receive age-appropriate information on Digital Citizenship and online safety. These are topics that are also addressed in our health programming for these age groups.