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Nanton Schools Advisory Update - August 2024

The Nanton Schools Advisory Committee, consisting of Livingstone Range School Division (LRSD) Administration and Trustees, Town of Nanton Council members, the Municipal District of Willow Creek, and the Municipal District of Ranchland met on May 23, 2024.

The Committee received a project update from LRSD Associate Superintendent of Business Services Jeff Perry, which included the following:

  • The schematic design has been completed and reviewed by a government engaged cost consultant.  The estimated costs of the project, based on the market conditions, is currently higher than the government’s proposed budget.  At this stage of the project there are alot of cost estimates and contingencies built into the report.  
  • Next steps include continuing on into the design development stage which breaks down project components into greater detail.  This will reduce the amount of contingencies the cost consultant carries in their next report   
  • Design development includes going room by room to identify what a typical classroom will look like, and having a closer look at specialized areas to ensure they are set up to meet the needs of student instruction and programs. 

In addition to the project update, Mr. Perry spoke  on the division's efforts to visit and evaluate available community facilities for decanting purposes.  Finding community facilities that can house students during the project is our best chance at reducing the project timeline and student disruption.  It will also eliminate phasing costs (completing one area then moving students into that area to complete another area). 

  • After review of the various community spaces, the school Principals and the division administration will work through a plan of what is believed to be the best options.  This plan will be brought forward to the committee in a future meeting and will then be discussed with the applicable owners / boards of the facilities.   
  • Our focus as part of the decanting process is to find a win-win such that the schools use of the facilities will not hinder current operations of the facilities.  
  • We appreciate those who have taken time to tour us through their facilities. 

Finally, the cost estimate on the learning commons enhancement was shared with the Nanton Enhancement Committee as well as the Town of Nanton.  This initiated additional dialogue and conversation as to when we might know the actual cost required of the fundraising group.  That number will be determined through the tendering process anticipated to be early in the new year.  

The next Committee meeting will be held in September 2024. For project information on the New and Modernized Nanton Schools visit www.lrsd.ca/nantonschools

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